Digital Resources
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Additional School of Graduate Studies (SGS) student forms can be found on the Graduate Studies Website.
Education Plan – MSc Program (PDF) | (DOC)
Education Plan – PhD Program (PDF) | (DOC)
Education Plan – MSc Program Addendum (PDF) | (DOC)
Education Plan – PhD Program Addendum (PDF) | (DOC)
HRM 705 Independent Study Form (PDF) | (DOC)
PhD Comps Independent Study Proposal Form (PDF) | (DOC)
Notification of Completion of HRM MSc Requirements Course-based Option (PDF)| (DOC)
MSc Supervisory Committee Report Form (PDF) | (DOC)
PhD Supervisory Committee Report Form (PDF) | (DOC) *The PDF/DOC forms can only be used if there has been a failed attempt to complete the form online through Mosaic.
HRM Research Internship Initial Plan (PDF) | (DOC)
HRM Research Internship – Final Report (PDF) | (DOC)
School of Graduate Studies – Thesis Forms/Resources
PhD Thesis Defence Process (January 2025) (PDF)
iThenticate – Plagiarism Checking Software
Effective December 1, 2023, all graduate students who initiate their defence on or after this date, are required to have their thesis run through McMaster’s plagiarism checking software, iThenticate.
iThenticate is a similarity detection tool meant to be used by researchers to check any original works that will be publicly released and who are concerned about potential plagiarism.
According to McMaster’s Research Plagiarism Checking Policy, it is expected that all graduate theses, shall be checked for plagiarism in compliance with this policy. Plagiarism checking is expected to occur prior to the coordination of the defence. Supervisors of Master’s students will need to sign a separate attestation sheet indicating that this has occurred and the document is satisfactory for public disclosure.
Your pre-defence thesis must be uploaded to iThenticate by your primary supervisor before you can initiate your Masters defence.
To protect graduate students’ privacy, only academic supervisors will have access to this software and will be responsible for uploading their student’s theses. It should not be used to check documents submitted to instructors as course assignments.
Physical Resources
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The Health Sciences Centre (HSC)-2C7 Student Room is equipped with computers (available on a first-come first-serve basis) and wireless MacConnect internet access.
The Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact (HEI) Shared Workspace, located in the McMaster University Medical Centre (MUMC) -2C, is a multifunctional workspace developed for use by eligible faculty, staff and students in HEI. The 2C work area is also the permanent office location for many HEI employees. Please note that the MUMC-2C space is under 24-hours-per-day video monitoring.
Generally, our graduate students use their own personal computers for their course work, study projects and thesis. Students may have access to various health sciences computer facilities, such as those in the Health Sciences Library, for their course work and study projects.
Data sets, from recently conducted studies in clinical epidemiology and health care, may be available for student exercises or major projects, including theses.
The education and research areas are located adjacent to the biomedical library in the Health Sciences Centre. A comprehensive range of books and periodicals on methodology, clinical epidemiology and biostatistics is available in the health sciences and other university libraries.
Lockers are available to full-time students to rent on a semester basis. For more information, please email the program assistant.
ARCH is a physical space located in east Hamilton that includes wireless internet and space for graduate students to meet with other researchers, students and area residents, while conducting or preparing for community-engaged research.
The Study Room in Mills Library is available for McMaster University graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Visit the Study Room webpage for eligibility and access.
- Avenue to Learn
- Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact (HEI)
- Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Studies programs
- Graduate Studies application information
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